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Introducing Snapdragon LTE modems and modem classes

The foundation of great mobile experiences is reliable wireless connectivity. For years, Qualcomm Technologies has provided that foundation with support for superior LTE connectivity in a host of mobile devices through two families of chipsets: Qualcomm Snapdragon processors, and discrete Qualcomm Gobi modems.

As our processors have played a critical role in bringing advanced LTE connectivity from the lab to consumers, they help to fulfill the promise of the technology for hundreds of millions of people around the world, and the Snapdragon name has become synonymous with ultra-fast, dependable, LTE connectivity. That’s why, moving forward, our discrete LTE multimode modems—which deliver the same advanced LTE performance in a host of devices from smartphones and PC notebooks to USB modems and personal hotspots—will now share the Snapdragon name.

For example, the Qualcomm Gobi 9x45 modem will now be known as the Qualcomm Snapdragon X12 LTE modem. Which brings us to the other important change we are making.

Whether in processors with integrated LTE modems, or as discrete LTE modems, the capabilities of our LTE feature set are ever-advancing. In order to convey the relative value of each modem, we’re creating new Snapdragon LTE modem classes. These will summarize the complex LTE feature set into one easy-to-compare number. Simply put: the higher the Snapdragon LTE modem class number, the more advanced the modem.

Below is a summary of our Snapdragon LTE modem classes, and the current chipsets which feature them: 

Snapdragon LTE Modem Classes - Infographic

We used to get questions like “Does the Snapdragon 810 integrate the Gobi 9x45 modem?” With the new Snapdragon LTE modem classes, the answer is more obvious: the Snapdragon X12 LTE modem (formerly Gobi 9x45) is more capable than the integrated X10 LTE modem in the Snapdragon 810.

These new LTE modem classes will apply to both our processors and to our discrete modem solutions, anticipated to have substantial design and LTE launch activity in 2015 and beyond. This includes all Snapdragon processors announced after the second half of 2014, and all discrete modem products from the 9x25 onward.

With these changes, you can be sure that any Qualcomm Snapdragon solution—whether a processor with integrated LTE or a discrete LTE modem—is engineered to deliver a superior mobile wireless experience.

Qualcomm Snapdragon and Qualcomm Gobi are products of Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.

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About the Author
Sherif Hanna
Sherif HannaDirector, Product Marketing
Qualcomm relentlessly innovates to deliver intelligent computing everywhere, helping the world tackle some of its most important challenges. Our leading-edge AI, high performance, low-power computing, and unrivaled connectivity deliver proven solutions that transform major industries. At Qualcomm, we are engineering human progress.

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